At the service of a logistics leader: SCOT chooses NetValue.


Optimization of processes, greater flexibility and performance of the service, high degree of customer satisfaction. These are the objectives that underlie the choice of NetValue by SCOT, a company specialized in outsourcing logistics for different sectors (from publishing to wine e-commerce, from industrial machines to spare parts, from fashion to philately, to collecting). This is a winning choice as STATED by CEO Massimo Barattero: "The cloud solution proposed by Netvalue allows us to avoid latencies problems and a series of inefficiencies related to on-site systems". " SCOT – continues Barattero – is, in fact, a very dynamic reality: our procedures for the management and receipt of customer orders through integrated or semi-integrated systems must be processed in real time".

The partnership between Netvalue and SCOT.
Netvalue has made available to SCOT its know-how in the development of complex projects by creating customized solutions in the following areas:

  • broadband data connectivity services mainly in optical fiber;
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud services;
  • Unified Communication cloud services, through the NV UC platform to manage all business telephony systems in an integrated and simplified way;
  • mobile network services.

NetValue was also able to support SCOT in the implementation of ICT projects in each of the company's locations, with regard to the following concepts:

  • identification of technological solutions;
  • project management;
  • implementation of Internet connectivity services, infrastructure cloud services, cloud telephony systems, ICT infrastructures (networking, security, IP telephony, etc.)
  • management and assistance of services, ICT support.

The process of digitalization of logistics by NetValue marks a new step forward for SCOT, which has seen its business grow significantly in recent years and, consequently, its corporate and organizational size (from two to six locations). NetValue and SCOT now look to the future together. On this point, CEO Massimo Barattero said: "NetValue has proven to be able to respond precisely to our needs, guaranteeing maximum assistance to overcome any critical issues. For the quality of the service, the level of experience and professionalism NetValue is today not only a reference point for SCOT, but as a strategic partner with a view to further business growth".

At the service of a logistics leader: SCOT chooses NetValue.
